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Mark grew up in the state of Michigan.  At 12 years of age, his father shared Christ with him, showing that Jesus is the Only Way to get to Heaven.  In the living room of his home, he bowed his head and asked Jesus to be the Savior of his life.  He then surrendered to preach at the age of 14.  Mark thanks the Lord for Bobby McDonald, an awesome youth director, who kept him strong in the Lord through his parents divorce.  It was through Bobby's influence that Mark enrolled in the Arlington Baptist College in 1979, where he met his beautiful wife, Dana.  They were married in 1980 and have now been serving the Lord together for over 36 years.  Mark's life verse is, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”  Philippians 1:21

© 2017 Apoio Ministries

By Agencia Fiel

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Arlington , Texas


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